Infographics That Tell a Story

A blog I wrote for my company in a PR recipes series highlighting storytelling tactics. This was focused on how a company can use an Infographic to tell a story, using data.

It would not be an exaggeration to say content marketing is one of the fastest growing trends in both PR and marketing. This is a form of marketing that places emphasis on generating great content, with the goal of creating content so strong that it can essentially market itself through organic shares. This type of content includes blog posts, video, podcast, and what this post is all about, infographics.


Choose the Right Topic.

The topic of your infographic should relate to your client’s industry, but it must also be accessible enough to go viral. You want to create something that people will want to share. A successful infographic can establish your client or brand as a thought leader in the industry, as such, it should provide interesting information on trends or introduce new statistics people would want to know. Don’t focus on something that is too much in the weeds, confusing, or just plain uninteresting. View the infographic from an unbiased perspective and ask yourself, “would I want to read this?“ Be sure to consider timeliness. Pitching a trend that was hot three years ago isn’t likely to garner much coverage.

Offer Something Real.

As you search for relevant data points, statistics or facts to incorporate into your infographic, remember that it should provide valuable and reliable content. Perhaps you could team up with an analyst firm and leverage findings from a recent industry report. Or you could use this as an opportunity to connect with engineers and others who are closer to your client’s products in order to gather real, compelling facts about a solution or trend — Remember that your infographic should teach audiences something they didn’t already know; and it should also introduce viewers to who YOU are. Find data that tell a story.

Tell a story.

Once you’ve identified the perfect topic and have the information you need ready to go, it’s time to break down that information and find a story you want to tell. The numbers from a recent survey over the latest tech trends are great, but without a story, your infographic is just a pretty data sheet. You’ll want to ensure your client’s messaging shines through without being too self-serving or product-focused. Ask yourself if your viewers will be able to follow your infographic from start to finish and come away with information or knowledge they think is important to share. If the answer is yes, you are on the right path.

Design what’s next.

The ultimate purpose of an infographic is to express a complex idea, or large amount of data points, in a visually appealing, easily digestible form. The power of visual storytelling should never be understated. Think about how the presentation of your idea will be different from what others have done and how you can translate your story into something visual. Design something people want to look at. Use a flowing structure that will allow viewers’ eyes to glide from point to point without getting lost. Avoid covering the page in words and numbers, as too much text can be difficult to read and will often deter a prospective reader from even looking at it. Don’t include images that are completely unrelated to the subject matter. If it’s confusing, readers and journalists will not appreciate it.

Know your target.

There is no infographic that can please everyone, so you must do your due dilligence to identify who you want to reach and the action you want your audience to take. In fact, you should have had your target audience in mind before you even kicked off the project. Don’t blindly pitch the infographic to every publication you can think of. Remember that a smaller circulation with the right audience is more valuable than a larger publication with an entirely uninterested audience.


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